Denise Balcanoff    
Denise Balcanoff- Alcohol ink, mixed-media, oil and cold wax.

 My studio is my dining room table that I have basically taken over.,

 I have ebbs and flows of creativity, at first it was very hard to create at all. I felt immobilized. 
Now I am working towards a few things- Art for Aids is trying to go forward with their annual Art Grab fundraising event (most probably virtually)
 I am donating 3 pieces that will relate to social distancing and gratitude ( I haven't yet started on these),
 I have joined the "artist support pledge" and have been selling my work at discounted prices. Once I hit $1,000 in sales I pledge to buy $200 worth of another artist's work.
 I am involved in making cards for other artists and people who need cheering up ( WEHA Artist Emporium- Artist to Artist Project), 

I am intermittently doing live tutorials for my art group, and for my own personal growth I am learning and experimenting more with cold wax and oils.
 I don't know if this will change the way I create, I have always been one who believes in enjoying the process more than anything, which is why I always love trying new mediums and learning new skills. 

I also always felt that my creativity is a gift to be shared with others and a means to help people and causes that I believe in. 

My process hasn't changed- I just have more time. I do feel that what has changed is thinking more creatively to share my work, and how to use it to create positive change in the world.