Mary Wolff - I work with metal and fiber. I make wearable art -hand painted silk scarves, kimono jackets, evening bags, and metal pendants incorporating unusual gems, and earrings
My studio is in my home and I do not share it with anyone else. I do not have a website
Yes I find it difficult to work now because my studio is in my basement and it's not heated and I'm not feeling very creative right now
I have directed my energy to purging by shredding old files, cleaning closets, cooking, EATING, and basically doing things I should have done before, but finally getting to it because we are not going anywhere or seeing anyone. Oh, and I've been making use of all the fabric remnants in my sewing room by making masks to donate (also making use of those fabric pieces because I never throw anything away)
I will always make art but not sure I will be doing the same things I'm doing now. I love to experiment with new techniques and materials on 2D surfaces so who knows-haven't really given it a lot of thought just trying to stay safe.